Backpacking Coyote Gulch, 3 Days, 2 Nights- October 2018


Apr 22, 2018

This is a the Full version of a 3 day, 2 night backpacking trip in Coyote Gulch near the town of Escalante, Utah in October, 2018.

This will be the final video of 2018 season.

This trip had it all! Desert, sun, rain, thunder and lightning, heavy creek crossings, fall colors, and great company. An unforgettable experience.

Day 1 we drive from Grand Junction, Colorado to the town of Escalante, Utah where we get our free backpacking permits for Coyote Gulch. We drive down the Hole in the Rock road for over 40 miles, where we drop off a bike to complete the loop, and drive the final few miles to the trailhead. We drop down through Crack in the Wall down into the confluence of Coyote Gulch and the Escalante River where we camp on the beach for night 1with great views of the canyon and Stevens Arch.

Day 2 we head West up Coyote Gulch, where we get rained out and find cover for over an hour. From there it got wild with the creek rising over 5 times its normal size. We hiked up the gulch and found camp a couple miles short of the trail out for our last day.

Day 3 we hiked up the sneaker route near Jacob Hamblin arch to the bike where I dropped my pack, rode back to the car, and again back to Jake and our packs. We drove to Escalante Outfitters on the way home for pizza and beer.

A must do if considering backpacking anywhere in Utah. This is my second video filming with my Lumix G7. I really had a blast editing this video and hope you like the final product. Subscribe to the page, and like the video if you enjoyed it! Thanks, and safe trails.