Anyone having problems uploading?


Would some of you mind trying to upload an image to see if you're getting an error? I've had two members contact me lately that are having errors but I'm having a hard time isolating the problem.

Make sure the test image you upload is not huge, the maximum is 4000 pixels wide or tall but try something closer to 1000px or less if you can. You can post that image to a reply in this thread if you'd like.

Thanks for your help.
testing 1,2,3....


Rock Pillow! sorry to wake you!

above Courthouse Wash just east of the Sailing Ship & LaSal Mtns Viewpoint in the Petrified Dunes area of Arches National Park. Winter 2007-8
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and i can't post that without posting this....if only i'd had a better camera at the time or a good zoom....
Bighorn on the dome at the center of the pic. (i was really just looking for an excuse to post these :) )

Nick, I still can't get it to work normal, but I just downloaded Picasa and it worked through that.
Okay, this is really weird.

So far I have three users who can not upload files and three users who can.

Can some of you also try to upload something into this thread?
It doesn't work for me. The file was only 674K in size. I got this message:

The following error occurred

There was a problem uploading your file.


Oh, I should mention that I'm using Firefox 10.0.2
Ok, instead of using the quick reply at the bottom of the thread page, I clicked on the "More Options" button then uploaded the image from there, and it worked just fine.

Did you see if it worked when you clicked on 'More Options...' first?

Yellowstone 1, could you try that as well?
Nick, not working that way either. I've used Firefox and IE. I've tried resizing and everything else I know.
I'm getting an error too. Tried Upload a File and I tried More Options and then Upload a File...
Okay. They fixed some things last night and it *should* be working now. I can't really test it because it has always worked for me. Can some of you guys that it wasn't working for, try again?
Fantastic. Our hosting company can be a little over-zealous with the security rules, sometimes they make things appear broken. But at least the chances of us ever getting hacked are much lower. :D