Allegheny National Forest PA, May 2018


Feb 9, 2017
It's been a long winter over here and life has been hectic, so it was a late start to backpacking season for me. This is just a short one nighter to try out some new stuff and just get out there. We hiked the Rimrock/Morrison trail loop in Allegheny National Forest. There are better hikes around here, but I hadn't done this one before. It is probably better later in the spring. Now that expectations have been appropriately lowered, here goes.

My buddy and I got to the trailhead around noon. The trails form a figure 8, and I had read somewhere the northeast portion was beautiful. That didn't turn out to be true, it looked like it had been logged or something

But within a couple miles, we got back to typical western PA terrain. Trails along creeks:



And mossy boulders and mini waterfalls:



We eventually made our way down to the reservoir. Usually, we like to set up camp in the woods, but there is a boat in campground that was empty and we decided to give it a try.




As we sat, we found we couldn't even hear each other talk. The Mormon tabernacle frog choir was at full volume. I didn't know if they were going to quiet down or not, but we decided not to take any chances. We decided to bushwack up a creek that feeds the reservoir (after a swim and a beer). Some number of marshes later, we ended up in our more typical kind of spot.


I was trying out a couple new things this trip. I wore La Sportiva wildcat shoes instead of boots. The were fine comfort-wise. They didn't dry out very quickly, which was a surprise. Also, my ankles were a little sore. The hike out the next day was mostly a sidehill climb along the shore of the water. And I've been trying to transition to just a tarp. This time I brought my groundsheet and rainfly and my mosquito hammock. It worked pretty well. In the meantime, I've gotten a tarp, so I'll give that a whirl next time. And maybe get some netting instead of the hammock. I just don't want anything crawling on me while I'm asleep.

I realize I'm pushing the "no trip is too short" and "we like to see other parts of the country" arguments. But I get so much from this site that I will always put trip reports on here. I'll be on a 9 day trip in Glacier in September, so I expect that one will be more entertaining!
Don't sell yourself short, I liked the report! Some gorgeous views!
Thanks for the share!
Thanks. I want to check out western PA one day. Every forest has it's own personality and vibe which is refreshing.
Please don't hesitate to post. I lived in Lock Haven for a little while. Your TR brought back some great memories. Thanks for sharing!
There's something mystical about those greenish mossy rocks you get along the creeks among so many of those trails out East. Nice pics!