An Evening at The White Pocket


Jan 17, 2012
Arizona Strip & Southern Utah Wanderings | Day 1
Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Original Trip Report on ADVENTR.CO

On Saturday morning I left home to begin my annual fall trip to Southern Utah and the Arizona Strip. I met up with Jared in Moab so he could load his gear for the week into my Jeep and then we continued the drive south. Our destination this evening would be another visit to The White Pocket in the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. As we were driving, we realized that it was exactly one year to the date that we first visited The White Pocket. We didn't plan it out this way, it just happened by coincidence.

After a quick stop in Page for some dinner we arrived at The White Pocket just a few short hours before sunset. We grabbed our cameras and started exploring this wonderful area. The light was just starting to get nice when we arrived and it only got better throughout the evening. Except for a short time close to sunset when one other person showed up for a little while, we had the place to ourselves.

If you love strange sandstone formations, this is the place for you!

Swirl by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

Here's a long 'wave' bathed in warm afternoon light.

Long Wave by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

Great views all around...

White Pocket View by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

Shadow with a View by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

Frame by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

The White Pocket by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

One of my favorite features to photograph here.

A La Mode by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

There were plenty of nice clouds around sunset that turned a nice shade of pink. Here they are just starting to change color...

White Pocket Sunset by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

An amazing sunset to start the trip out right.

Striations by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

Sunset Lines by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

These last four photos are all shot from the same location looking at the popular feature known as The Swirl, and I'm including them all just to show you how much the light can change the scene over the course of about an hour near sunset.

This first photo was taken shortly before the sun went down while the warm light was still directly striking the sandstone.

The Swirl by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

This second photo was taken just after the sun dipped below the horizon. There were some nice clouds in the sky.

Cotton Candy by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

Sometimes after the sun sets, there is a short period of reflected pink light that really adds color to the scene. We got lucky on this evening and the pink light was pretty strong. While you can see this 'glow' with your eyes, it is not quite as dramatic as it will show up in longer exposures.

Swirl at Twilight by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

Finally, the pink light has all but disappeared in the scene, but the formation is still receiving a nice glow that shows up in long exposures. It is not visible to the naked eye.

Glow by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

When the twilight glow was finally gone, we hiked back to the Jeep and setup our camp for the next two nights. We planned on getting up very early the next morning, so we went to bed as soon as our tents were up.

>> An Evening at The White Pocket Photo Gallery

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great light on that cotton candy shot. your stuff is ridiculously good nowadays. :twothumbs:
Incredible pictures!

White pocket looks awesome. I need to bribe someone I know with a 4x4.
Cool, I'm glad...I was debating wether or not to put all those in at the end since they were all so similar, but I really liked how they showed the change in the light around sunset.

I loved all four shots!
I love every single shot!! I cannot decide which one I like the most because they're all fantastic
White Pocket is such an awesome place, I would love to go back one day. Unfortunately I never had such great conditions like you had
...beautiful pictures!
My respect!

Gesendet von meinem ViperXed HOX |2.7.1| mit Tapatalk 2
Awesome shots, great light, and clouds, top notch as usual! Unfortunately we weren't able to make it out this past weekend, hopefully sometime in the near future. Great stuff!
Awesome shots Randy but to be honest with you they really piss me off :) As I mentioned to you before after this past weekend I'm now 0 for 6 on sunrise/sunset color at White Pocket. Out of last weeks 42+ hours at WP I got about 3min of REALLY good light and no glow at all due to storms always beeing on the horizon blocking out light. We did get to see the dry tanks and puddles fill up with rain and hail from a dozen or so cloud bursts over the course of our trip and that was pretty cool to see.